Thursday, March 17, 2016

K-pop Club Night… on a Tuesday.

Here’s a pro tip to all the dudes looking to pick up chicks at a club: Go to K-pop night. Lol. A club in Minami called Onzieme (it’s on the top floor of the OPA building), is closing down soon. Actually it may already be closed. I’m not sure. In any case, I only had been there a couple times, but since it is/was closing, I decided to attend one of their last big events, K-pop night. My friend who also enjoys K-pop invited me. I have never been to a K-pop club event before, so I was pretty excited.

The event took place on a Tuesday…not exactly convenient, but whatever. YOLO right? ^^; Luckily it worked out that I had no class the next day, so I just took work off anyway. So basically it was like a weekend night for me. You would think that dance clubs are dead on Tuesdays…WRONG! Actually I have been to clubs on a Tuesday before, and they have been dead, but this time was different. Why? Because it was K-pop night!

K-pop is super popular in Japan and is gaining popularity around the world. Before going to the club (the event started at 8pm), my friend and I got burritos and drinks. We didn’t want to get there too early. I think we ended up getting there around 9:30 or 10:00. I don’t remember exactly…it was after margaritas and long islands. BUT HOLY CRAP, it was PACKED when we got there! Like 1 am on a Saturday night! All the lockers where in use, so we had to hold our bags. As I said, K-pop is popular which contributed to the amount of people that were there. There’s that and also the fact that Onzieme is/was closing. Lastly women could enter completely free, and college students were on spring vacation. I believe these are the reasons it was so busy.

Freakin' delicious frozen margaritas!
Yayyy burrito!
The part that was the most shocking though, something I’ve never seen, was that it was about 80% women!! I’ve never seen so many women in a club before! That’s why I said that if you are a dude looking to pick up a girl at a club, they are all at K-pop night haha! It was a refreshing change! I didn’t feel nervous or uncomfortable like I usually do at clubs. I wasn’t afraid anyone was gona touch me. Instead, I just had an awesome time dancing with my friend, stopping to get a drink every now and then.

Yay for K-pop girl night!

The first half of the time we were there, they played a bunch of songs we didn’t know. My friend and I are pretty main stream when it comes to K-pop and like artists like Big Bang and CL. However, they played one song I thought was really cool, and now I can’t stop listening to. It’s called “Trespass,” by Monsta X.

Another cool thing about the event was the dancers. There were a few people there who knew all the dance moves to all the songs playing and would get up on stage and perform the whole dance! I wish I could dance like that. It was impressive.

Dancers Dancing to PSY.

The second half of the time they played a lot of songs we knew which really got us pumped up! It was so fun to just have girl time. I’ve been a hard club-goer since coming to Japan, but in the past several months or so, I feel like I’m starting to wind down. I used to just blow it off when guys grabbed me in clubs or hit on me, but now, it has really started to upset me. Also, since the time my wallet was stolen at a club, I have been more on edge when I go. So ya, it was nice to just have a fun, care-free time. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for another K-pop event!

Rockin' out to "Bang Bang Bang" by Big Bang.

1 comment:

  1. That honestly sounds like so much fun! Upbeat music and being able to lower your guard a bit when you're out trying to have a good time is nice!
