Friday, July 3, 2015

Foam Party

Have you ever wanted to try dancing in foam? I always thought it sounded so cool, but I never thought I would have a chance. It turns out that in the summer, one of my favorite clubs, Club Joule in Osaka, has a foam party every Saturday! I decided to check it out. Club Joule always plays some of the best EDM music.

Women get in free all night (with the purchase of one drink). After 11pm, I think guys are around ¥2,400 (one drink included). Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure that was the set-up. Girls who show up in bikinis get free drinks all night (and access to a shower/changing room??). To my surprise, there were a handful of girls in bikinis! Usually I would feel like jealous because I’m insecure about my own body or think it’s not classy, but I was so crunk, I didn’t even care. I don’t know how other clubs are, but at Joule, they spray foam once every hour, and there is a countdown on the screen. It would’ve been nice maybe once every half hour, but perhaps that was their way of getting you to stay. That, or maybe it’d get too slippery. The foam disappears pretty quick, but when they are spraying it over your head, it’s so much fun! Be prepared to get wet though! It might be a good idea to bring a change of pants or a shirt for your ride home.

The club crew for the night.
Always come prepared.

Anyway, I had a blast dancing up on the stage to awesome music. When the foam came out, I was the one in the middle of the floor getting soaked and picking up the foam and flinging it all around! Wish I would’ve taken more pictures, but here’s a video I took to suffice.


  1. I went to a foam party once, fell on my ass when dancing LOL

    1. Oh shit haha! I could totally see that happening though, it was pretty slippery.

  2. Osaka sounds like a good time as always! Please take me with! Pick me! Pick me!
